Human Cloning: the Risks Outweigh the Benefits

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
One day, in near future you suddenly know that your appearance is the same with other three persons. I am sure that you will be extremely surprise if you do not know that you are the result of human cloning. In recent years, cloning is an achievement of medical profession and a hot news on most of newspapers and television channels because of its important role. Cloning is the creation of an organism that is …

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…Cloning Message Board. Randolfe H. Wicker. Many 18, 2004 Human Cloning Controversy. Carl Ballard, NewsHour Extra. April 17, 2003 Knowing the Human Genome: The Impact on Society. Professor Herbert H. Winkler's. April 24,2002 <Tab/> New Scientist: Cloning- A special Report. Washington Port. 2003 The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Dr Patrick Dixon. 2000