Human Cloning is it ethical?

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
The things I will be covering: 1. What is cloning? 2. The meaning of Ethical 3. A brief history leading up to the current day developments. 4. The different types of cloning methods used 5. How cloning is actually achieved 6. Advantages 7. The possible problems that could occur 8. A summary 9. And finally a conclusion My main aim in this essay is to let you know exactly what cloning is and also how it could affect you, personally. As in the future …

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…and an egg outside the human body. Now this process is used nation wide to allow people, unable to conceive naturally, to have children. Human cloning in my view will be accepted in years to come, both Ethically and Socially as with these now other common practices. The sooner these practices come about, the sooner the world may enjoy the benefits attainable through cloning, providing the potential to save millions of lives, maybe even yours!