Human Cloning Should Be Banned (Negative)- Argumentative Speach

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This a rebuttal!!! Read the article on this link first: You don't have to but it is advisable, for that is the text I'm refering to in my arguement. Maybe it's the year 2010 or 3010, cloning I believe is something that is inevitable. I mean its already started with animals, and considering us humans are animals aswell, then its only a matter of time before …

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…you the good points about why Cloning is a good thing, and the faster humanity embraces it, the faster science can move on and create these modern marvels and what some would say as on of life's big miracles. If anyone would like to rebutal on my arguement please go ahead, I would be more than happy =D Insult me if you want, that's all part of the entertainment of working on controversal issue =D