Huckleberry finn: I Discover Moses and the Bullrushes

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The novel opens with Huck introducing himself and his friend Tom Sawyer. They have discovered the treasure hidden by the robbers in the cave, which earns them a reward of six thousand dollars each. Judge Thatcher invests the money in a trust that earns them one dollar a day. Huck is living in Widow Douglas' care, and she treats him as her own son. She tries to "civilize" him by buying him proper clothes, feeding …

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…somewhere for a change, even if it is hell. He sees no great advantage in going to a "good place," especially if Miss Watson is going to be there to continue picking at his faults. Huck goes to his room but is restless. He tries to think of something cheerful, but is unsuccessful; he wishes that he were dead. He takes out his pipe and begins to smoke. After a time, he hears Tom's signal.