Huckleberry Finn book report

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Essay Database > Literature
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Jim and Huck use and believe in many superstitions. There are many examples from the book that show this in the characters. In the first example, Huck seen a spider was crawling on his shoulder and he flipped it off and it landed in a lit candle. It shriveled up and died. Huck said it would fetch him some awful bad luck. He got up and turned around three …

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…drunken father, whom is in dire need for anger-management classes, forbids him from going to school. The fact that he would believe such stuff just proves that. But the thing is I'm not actually sure about is, what is he trying to show about Jim's character? I really don't know. So enclosing, Mark Twain included superstition in his story to show how absurd it can be, and to build on the personalities of the characters.