Huckleberry Finn

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, we are presented with a hero, Huckleberry Finn. This, however, is not your normal hero. Huck doesn't gun down thousands of terrioists, or run to his Huckmobile when a 'H' flashes onto the sky. On the contrary, Huck is a true, all american, regular guy who is thrown into a situation that changes him into our hero. Where as most characters would not be …

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…and imperfect hero that we can all relate to. From being loyal to friends and strangers alike, to understanding onesself, Huck is shown to be a great human. We are also shown Huck's flaws which makes him all the more real. And at the center of the novel, Huck finds that we are all the same, no matter the race or skin color. Twain has showed us a true hero, and a great role model.