Huckleberry Finn
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Lessons to Be Learned
Floating down the river, Huck matured quite a bit and, of course, learned many lessons. Remarkably, the lessons that Mark Twain conveyed to the society of his time apply to our society today just as well. Like Shakespeare, Twain had a very good grasp on how our species thinks. From Huckleberry Finn, I found several examples of lessons that will apply to our society and to future societies because the human
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book possessed several lessons which, for as long as we exist, will be true. Twain was not a bitter, cynical member of society, he was simply a realist. ( Ok, so maybe he was a little cynical...) He called people as he saw them, which was as a bunch of stupid, easily fooled sheep who occasionally were good people. Sadly, Twain was pretty close to the truth, as many of his lessons still hold true today.
book possessed several lessons which, for as long as we exist, will be true. Twain was not a bitter, cynical member of society, he was simply a realist. ( Ok, so maybe he was a little cynical...) He called people as he saw them, which was as a bunch of stupid, easily fooled sheep who occasionally were good people. Sadly, Twain was pretty close to the truth, as many of his lessons still hold true today.