Hucklebeery Finn by Twain, a social criticism

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Huck has a grim attitude toward people he disagrees with or doesnt get along with. Huck tends to alienate himself from those people. He doesnt let it bother him. Unlike most people Huck doesnt try to make his point. When Huck has a certain outlook on things he keep his view. He will not change it for anyone. For instance in Chapter Three when Miss Watson tells Huck that if he prayed he would get …

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…at such a young age could corrupt a boy for life. Huck then wanted to talk about the dead body but Jim suggested that they dont talk about it because it might bring bad luck. Huck then tried to play a practical joke on Jim by putting a dead snake near him. Jim was scared. Later the snakes mate came back and bit Huck. Jim was not at the site and didn't know about it.