Hubert H. Humphrey

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Essay Database > History
Hubert H. Humphrey Hubert Humphrey was the thirty eighth Vice President of the United States. He was elected along side of Lyndon B. Johnson as the Democratic party in the year 1964. Humphrey also ran for the title of U.S. president in 1968, but was unsuccesful in his attempts. Humphrey gained his national reputation as a U.S. Senator from the years 1949-1964 and then he was senator again from 1971 until his death. Hubert Humphrey became …

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…type President and Humphrey was the President that went and got things done, the blue colored worker, he was the guy that was willing to get his hands dirty. Humphrey later died at his home in Waverly, Minnesota on January 13, 1978 of cancer. His widow was apointed to fill out his Senate term. The stadium that the Minnesota Twins now play in(a major league baseball team) is named after the late great Hubrt H. Humphrey.