How women were treated during the enlightment. A very opiniated paper

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Essay Database > History > World History
Even though women were treated plainly as housewives, there were some who were willing to oppose that matter by accomplishing many important tasks that got the attention of some men during the enlightenment, most men having anger displayed at them and a few accepting them as their equivalent. Gottfried Kirch, a male German astronomer, stated that his wife Maria Winkelmann, spotted a comet while he was sleeping, therefore making a point that he wasn't aware …

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…r all this is that he had a strong belief about women acting as housewives and not something else they should belong to. This document goes with no other. Many women struggled to attain their status as educated women, but no matter how hard they tried most males and females oppose the thought of them being compared as equal to men. Therefore, making the life of many women during the Enlightenment a very difficult one.