"How was the large immigration of overseas students affected New Zealand?" This essay is aimed at how kiwis see asian overseas students and how they contributes to the New Zealand economy.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
In the last few years, the Asian student population has erupted across New Zealand. Just walk down any main road in downtown Auckland and some of the thousands of Asian students staying in the city can be seen. As an Asian student myself but living permanently in New Zealand, I thought it would be interesting to see the country I call home through different eyes. I plan to focus my research on the reasons the …

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…choose to come here is because of New Zealand's image as a quiet peaceful place that attracts so many of these knowledge-seeking students and by doing so, they play an important role in the New Zealand's economy. It is crucial that we support these Asian students as they open our eyes to what is beyond our shores, along with supporting our country financially and give New Zealanders an insight into how other nations value education.