How was Opposition To The Vietnam War Portrayed In Contemporary Literature, Film and Popular Song?

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From 1946 to 1954 the USA gave over a $1 billion to France to help them defeat the Ho Chi Minh and reclaim territory they lost during World War II, in south East Asia, mainly Vietnam. In spite of this France failed to win, and Vietnam was divided in two. The north was communist and the south capitalist. President Eisenhower then decided to send in weapons and money to the south which was ruled by Diem, to help …

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…felt very strongly that the war was a mistake. People believed it was bad for their soldier's mental and physical health as-well as being a drain on the U.S.A.'s economy. They believed that the Vietnamese people suffered- and what for? Well not much as the Domino Theory was proved wrong. So I believe that their opposition was understandable and they were right in a way, to stand up against their government's decision.