How was Ho Chi Mihn's leadership essential to the Viet Minh in the defeat of the French in 1954?

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The Viet Minh leadership was essential in the inevitable defeat of the French in 1954. Under Ho Chi Minh and Nguyen Giap the Viet Minh proved a decisive victory against the French and together they exploited the weakness of the French, in particular the French underestimation towards the Viet Minh. Ho Chi Minh was a politically educated walker amongst the people complementing Giap who was a brilliant military tactician. In addition the French also contributed to …

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…casualties. The Viet Minh was successful in their defeat of the French due to the fact that they had superb military and political leaders. Fighting for what they believed for the peasants and their pride of nationalism, not for their own needs. Their promise of land and freedom for the peasants gained their support. Giaps brilliant military mind contributed to confidence as well. So therefore the Viet Minh will always be remembered for their leadership