"How was Hitler able to successfully capture the hearts and minds of the German people and achieve such great power?"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Hitler's rise to power was one of circumstance and propaganda. He knew how to use certain situations to gain authority and seize the senses and emotions of the German people. Hitler made use of the Treaty of Versailles to stir the emotions of the Germans and broadcast his shared resentment towards the treaty. This successfully persuaded the Germans to support Hitler and his party. Hitler deeply benefited from the Great Depression as the Germans blamed …

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…and the people blaming their government over their suffering to promise the Germans an end to their adversity. This consequently led to Hitler's capture of the German's hearts and minds, and rise in power. Lastly, a major reason why Hitler was able to posses the hearts and consciousness of the German people and gain power was his master use of propaganda. Hitler utilized propaganda to brainwash the Germans, both mentally and emotionally to gain supporters.