How useful is Peter Weir's film "Gallipoli" in the study of Australia's involvement in WWI and the creation of the ANZAC legend?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
In 1981, an Australian director, Peter Weir made the film Gallipoli. As the title suggests, this film follows Australia's involvement in the 1915 Gallipoli campaign, focusing on the fictional lives of two young idealistic mates - Archy Hamilton (Mark Lee) and Frank Dunne (Mel Gibson) who become best buddies and decide to enlist together for military service when they join the war effort. Despite the fact that the story of these two characters is fictional, Weir's eye …

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…willingness to endure hardships, reluctance to accept unquestioningly the authority of other, their spirit of independence, a sense of humour, resourcefulness, mateship, courage and endurance and a belief in a fair go for all. The experiences on the Gallipoli Peninsula formed the framework for the view of these characteristics that are deemed as the qualities born from the struggle in the bush and in the struggle of battle, becoming the characteristics of all true Australians.