How tone is created in one paragraph in One day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn the paragraph this essay was written on is on page 106-107 the last paragraph

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In the book One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn there are many different moods that can be taken in. Even though while living in a gulag you could get a few laughs, as well as a lot of frustration and sadness. The author creates the tone and mood of the book by the use of word choice, metaphors, imagery, or actions. This book is based on a time span …

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…the imagery used all show how much torture a prisoner had to go through and how completely helpless they were. The actions, word choice, and imagery all bring the same type of tone to the reader. It all comes down to a feeling of grimness, helplessness, self- reliance, untrusting, and depressing. Through this one paragraph many things can be assumed about the Russian Gulag and give the reader a feeling of what it was like.