How to prepare a speech. This essay is a process essay. It goes into detail about the steps required to write a well developed speech.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
How to Prepare a Speech Oh, my gosh! Did someone just say "speech"? Not a speech! The word "speech" strikes terror through everyone that hears it, especially if you've never written one before. Well, have no fear. I'm going to guide you through your first speech. The first step in writing a speech is to pick a topic. The topic should relate to your audience and be interesting to you. If you're not interested in …

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…of a crowd and forget your whole speech? Why let this be an option? Why not take the extra time to practice your speech and have the possibility of delivering it without too much ablibing. Now that you know the steps to writing a speech, you will be prepared to write your own. Just don't let everyone know that you're educated in speech writing, or they'll be hitting you up for speeches all the time.