How to get out of a Speeding Ticket, teaches how to understand the cop mind, what to do when pulled over, how to talk your way out of a ticket, good to use as a speech
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Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
How many of you have ever gotten a speeding ticket? They really suck don't they? You have to pay it, and your insurance goes up, and you may even lose your license. My grandmother is an 80 year old speed demon. This summer I was driving back from my cousin's house with her and she was pulled over for going 95 in a 65. She got away with just a
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ticket to me if you really have to give a ticket. I've seen how he gets and he gets totally crazy when he's mad" I hope that someday when you get pulled over for going 15over you'll think of me and my speech. Hopefully some of the tips and techniques I have just given you will help you wiggle yourself out of a very costly speeding ticket, or at least get it reduced. Thank you
ticket to me if you really have to give a ticket. I've seen how he gets and he gets totally crazy when he's mad" I hope that someday when you get pulled over for going 15over you'll think of me and my speech. Hopefully some of the tips and techniques I have just given you will help you wiggle yourself out of a very costly speeding ticket, or at least get it reduced. Thank you