How to avoid embarrassing experiences in new countries?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Some savoir-faires to know to avoid embarrassing experiences: Did you know that in some parts of the world putting your hands on your hips is impolite? The thumbs-up sign is downright offensive? A wink is unacceptable?  In Australia, it's rude to wink at women.  In Brazil, pulling down the lower lid of the right eye means that the listner doubts what you are saying.  In China, point with an open hand and …

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…pull your left ear.  In Sri Lanka, moving your head from side to side means "yes" and nodding your head up and down means "no"!  In Taiwan, say "no" by extending your palm forward and waving your hand from side to side. It's impolite to use your feet for touching objects or people. Keep your feet off that chair !  In Thailand, people point to an object with their chins, not their hands !