How to archive DVD movies onto Computer Avis.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
Okay, first and foremost this is not legal and these instructions are for informational and educational purposes only. I will not be held legally responsible for distributing this information. You go to your local video store and rent your favorite movies that you love watching over and over again. Next, make sure your harddrive is more than (# of movies (times) 10)MB. Also, make sure you have a PC DVD Drive with software player installed on …

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…by choosing Second Pass-2 PASS. 17.)Your done with the actually producing a viewable computer movie, but next you have to cut it to actually fit on a CDR. 18.)Open NANDUB and remember the whole file size of file of the movie produced in the previous steps. 19.)Use the start and end markers to mark off 700MB to separate movie into multiple files. 20.)That's it, impress your friends by having them watch a movie at will.