How to Potty Train your Cat

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Changing cat litter is a dirty and unsanitary job. Potty training your cat eliminates the need for cat litter boxes. Some cats take to the training quickly while others may take longer to adapt to the new process and then there are some who will reject the whole process. There are two main phases of potty training your cat. The first phase is introducing your cat to the toilet. The second phase is eliminating the …

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…deep and your cat is comfortable with the whole procedure, take the bowl away; and remember: lid up, seat down, bathroom door open. Potty training your cat can be a long and aggravating process to go through, but just remember; you will be saving so much money not having to buy litter any longer and you won't have to clean litter boxes ever again. That is unless your cat cannot deal with changes very well.