How to Article-"How to Cope with an Abusive Relationship"

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
If you are in an abusive relationship, you are already in trouble. By now, you are probably so used to doing what you can to avoid the next act of abuse against yourself that you really think there is a way to avoid the abuser's anger. Here is a list of escalating countermeasures. They represent the distilled experience of thousands of victims of abuse. They may help you cope with abuse and overcome it. First, …

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…share with others, if he sees fit. It is an onerous existence, consistently tiptoeing on eggshells. Neither is it invariably successful. The submissive posture delays the more egregious manifestations of abuse but cannot prevent them altogether. Choosing to live with an abuser is like opting to share a cage with a predator. No matter how domesticated, Nature is bound to prevail. You are more likely than not to end up as the abuser's next meal.