How the military as an institution promoted prejudices against the black man

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The Military as an Institution and the Prejudices it Held. "From the Civil War, a war for the right to freedom for the Black man, to Vietnam; the military has held an institutionalized racist view toward the Black men who wished to fight for this country" "Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters "U.S.", let him get an eagle upon his button, and a musket on his shoulder and …

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…Dept. of Army Historical Advisory Committee, April 6, 1979. Chapter 2 "World War II: The Army" United States Colored Troops" Bennie J. McRae Jr. Copyright 1995 written by Davina Hoyt at the University of San Diego, August 25, 1995 - last modified March 11, 1996 Joan Brodsky Schur, a teacher at Village Community School in New York, NY