How the industrial and economic differences of the north and south helped cause the Civil War

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>Many historians debate the causes of the Civil war. Yet the overwhelming economic differences between the northern and southern states on the eve of the civil war contributed significantly to the growing tensions. The industrial-reliable north had a high support for the implementation of tariffs and objected the use of slave labor, while the agricultural-reliable south strongly opposed tariffs and promoted slavery. <Tab/>The North was …

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…lt;Tab/>Well here I am today speaking about the essay, and I obviously made it through a lot more than I thought I could. I learned some good study habits, I learned that it is possible and okay to balance my family with history, and also that Mr. Perez's lecture habits can rub off on me. And, most importantly, my favorite quote still lives on: "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger".