How the cellular phone is changing our lives

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
The cellular phone industry is consistently growing every year. Motorola introduced the first cellular phone about eighteen years ago, in 1984, the "DynaTac 8000X". It was large and cumbersome weighing in around two pounds or so and having a price tag of about $4000.00. Even with the large size and cost of this cellular phone, the service it provided was sporadic at best. "Dropped" calls were common, there were very limited ranges, and the quality or the …

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…Cellular phones take away from family time also; it is more common for children now to call parents on their cellular phones to check in than it is for them to actually come home to check in. The cellular phone is definitely changing our lives, whether it is for better or worse is a matter of personal opinion. I believe that with responsible use, the cellular phone is a great asset but not a necessity.