How the Salem Witch Trials relate to the changes occuring during the late 17th century in colonial British America.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Colonial America was bursting with changes throughout the late 17th century and into the early 18th century. A new time era known as "The Enlightenment" came about which brought many advances in medicine, science, botany, and education. Also, the "Great Awakening", a time of great religious revival flourished. A well known event, the Salem Witch Trials were known as an essential turning point in history. It showed how religion and government changed through history. British …

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…learning and consumer goods." American's, on the other hand, had societies with vast ethnic and religious diversity. Tranquility did not last long. The London government tried to rein in the empire, which in turn led to a rebellion between British and the Americans.<Tab/> Web sites used for this research - <Tab/>