How the Other Half Lives

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Essay Database > History
Book Report On "How the Other Half Lives" By: Jacob A. Riis John Kerrington October 23, 1994 The following report is based on the book, "How the Other Half Lives", by Jacob A. Riis. Without a doubt, the lives endured by the immigrants who came to America toward the end of the 19th century was full of misery and tribulations. They came from Europe and from all walks of life in search of the "American dream"; only …

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…III. By building new, model tenements Without a doubt, poor immigrants at the end of the Nineteenth Century suffered tremendously. Their suffering and living conditions were horrendously unjust for a people that were merely trying to improve their quality of life by coming to America. Although they paid a heavy price, their afflictions would never of paved the way for housing reform and social programs for the poor that this country offers today. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**