How slang words originated.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Euphemisms Some words are used to classify people. Words used today weren't always considered derogatory or insulting in the past. People use everyday words and no one realizes what they say and what it really means, for all they know they can be offending themselves or even they're own culture. Some words do not even derive from the English language. Also, some words are modified to mean something a little less than what it was …

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…my brake your bones but words will never hurt you" is a very mere understatement. Name calling can mentally and physically destroy a person. Although most original definitions thought derogatory aren't at all offensive; the modern day meaning is and that is something that might not ever change. So we must be careful about what we say and how we say it. Work Cited Mish, Fredrick C. Ed. New Book of Word Histories. Springfield, Massachusetts 1991.