How significant was the role of Albert Speer in Hitler's plans for winning World War Two?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
To effectively assess the significance Albert Speer had in Hitler's plan for World War Two we must look at what Speer accomplished in regards o the war effort. Firstly, it is important to realise that it is unclear among historians what Hitler's 'plans' actually were. Pluralists believe Hitler wanted a war-but had no fixed plan, he was, instead, an opportunist. Structuralists believe he had no long-term plan, and responded merely to pressure from domestic crisis' (…

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…should be salvaged. Speer aided the war effort greatly though his high efficiency and clever strategies, which he applied to armaments production, and, earlier on, his masterful works of architecture that encouraged the German people to aim to new highs. However, whether we can attribute this all to Speer, whether the plans were completely his own, remains unknown, as does the extent to which he worked with Hitler and his aims, rather than for himself.