How should the UN be reformed to promote international peace and stability in the 21st century?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
It is true that the United Nations can claim victory to many past notable achievements. Despite this there are numerous critics of the organization who have asserted that the UN's salient purpose of maintaining of international peace and security is gradually being lessened. Accordingly, many of the afore said achievements are being obscured by the overwhelming sentiment that the United Nations is an ineffective institution, that is of little use to the international community, moreover …

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…Pacifica Review, 6, (2) 1994 17-41. "Things will have to get better," editorial, Economist, 31 July 1999, 14. Websites 'The UN Works' UN Official Homepage <> Peter Langille, 'Bridging The commitment Gap' UN Online Reform Centre <> Lucio Levi, 'Globalization and International Democracy' UN Online Reform Centre <http:/,%20Intl%20Democracy%2and.pdf>