How radical was the religious program of AKHENATEN (Amunhotep III)? In particular, address the question of the assumed conservatism of the 'heretic Pharaoh' with respect to Cyril Aldred's remarks.

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Essay Database > History > Ancient History
Many aspects of the religious reform introduced by the Pharaoh Akhenaten during his reign (1352 - 1336 BC) were initially seen as revolutionary upon their discovery last century . At a stage when the successful military campaigns of his forebears into Asiatic territories had brought the Egyptian Empire to the height of its power, the times 'demanded a strong king like the conquering Pharaohs of the earlier half of the dynasty' . Akhenaton's virtual abandonment of the military in …

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…Hudson Ltd) Aldred C, Akhenaten: King of Egypt - a new study (1968, Thomas and Hudson Ltd) Eaton-Krauss M, Akhenaten versus Akhenaten , from Biliotheca Orientalis XLVII, N 516, Septtember - Novemeber 1990 (1989) Grimal N, A History of Ancient Egypt (1992, Blackwell) Markot R, The empires of ancient Egypt (2001, BBC worldwide ltd) Redford D B, Akhenaton: The Heretic King (1984, Princeton) Taylor J H, Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt (2001, British Museum press) Velikovsky I, Oedipus and Akhenaten (1960, Biddles Ltd)