How movies can actually help you're understanding of the novel or play, as what happened when I watched The Crucible the movie after reading the play.

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Essay Database > Literature
Have you ever seen a movie that was based on a play or novel? I am sure you have. And I am also positive that throughout the movie, you stated to yourself several times, "That did not happen in the book/play." Oftentimes, these movies can change the way someone understands the literature that it was produced from. But does it hurt or help that person's understanding? As a reader I try to picture in …

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…of Salem in the movie proved to be more practical, as frequent contact made more sense, because the contact led to the many problems. Abigail's expressions helped my understanding because it showed me that what I visualized was correct. In conclusion, without seeing the movie, I would not have been able to fully understand the scenes of the play. Without its visuals, I, as well as others, would still be guessing about what actually happened.