How issues such as immigration, abortion, specifically the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, and flag burning have divided American society and how decisions or comprimises have been reached.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In recent years, there have been many issues that have divided American society. Opposing sides have presented strong arguments to support what they believe in, and attempts have been made to come to a solution or compromise for the decision. Such issues include immigration, abortion, specifically the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, and flag burning. From 1967-1990, American immigration underwent dramatic changes. The Immigration Act of 1965 ended the national origins quota system and …

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…Constitutional amendment. However, in June of 1990, a vote in the House of Representatives fell short of the two- thirds majority needed to set the amendment process in motion. For the time being, the amendment proposal is dormant. These three issues have divided American society for a solution. The U.S. government has tried their best to compromise with both sides to make everyone happy and try to do what is best for the whole country.