How is the notion of the 'journey' explored in Tupac's poem 'And 2morrow'

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
And 2morrow "Today is filled with anger fueled with hidden hate scared of being outcast afraid of common fate Today is built on tragedies which no one wants 2 face nightmares 2 humanities and morally disgraced Tonight is filled with rage violence in the air children bred with ruthlessness because no one at home cares Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops knawing at my sanity content when I am dropped But 2morrow …

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…mystery and utmost skill who never fails to amaze the world, with new releases of his music that his mother is now releasing (which he had composed before his murder), and compilations of his works including poems, diary entries and proposed songs are now being sold. Tupac use to say, "Your not dead until your forgotton..." In that sense, Tupac is very much alive, his life journey continuing in the memory of those who live.