How is the concept of the physical journey is described in your prescribed texts?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
A physical journey consists of the movement from one place to another, whereby the individual undergoes a process of change and development, becomes endowed with experiences, goals are achieved culminating in an overall transformation. Journeys often contain elements such as a lack of choice, uncertainty, danger, and obstacles. Such journeys are explored in Peter Skrzynecki's poems Immigrants at Central station and 'Crossing the Red Sea', Alan Moir's political cartoon MV Cormo Express (SMH 28/10/03), about the …

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…The shining spots from the 'Ivory Trail' are reminiscent of 'the winding road' and suggest that a journey is not straightforward. The significant use of diagonal lines shows that this journey deviates from the norm, and that is not a simple one. <Tab/>Through the employment of a variety of techniques, Scrzynecki and Moir have explored the concept of the physical journey. As the Taoists say 'The journey is the reward'.