How is Jefferson's life and death a product of racism practiced in the first half of the 20th century?

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<Tab/>During the first half of the 20th Century, racism infiltrated and segregated the community's social and legal infrastructure. Racial division is portrayed in the novel, reflecting upon Jefferson's life, a life of inequality, inferiority and poverty. His sentencing, or death, further exemplifies the racial superiority of whites over blacks in the South. Thus Jefferson's life is without a doubt a product of racial prejudice practiced in the 20th Century American …

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…or racial prejudice against the blacks of the South in the 20th Century. The cruel, harsh and unequal life he lived, in addition with the in-humanitarian way in which he was treated, exemplifies the racism present. Through his death he is still looked down upon by whites, but it is also his death where he stands up to his demons, and bravely faces up to the execution, not only for himself, but for his people.