How important is Human Relations for a Business to operate effectively?

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
INTRODUCTION Human relations are important to the development and long-term sustainability of organisations. Without much doubt, the father of the "human relations" movement is Elton Mayo (1880-1949, a Harvard professor trained in psychopathology who is most famous for the well-known" Hawthorne studies", a 20-year experiment at a Western Electric plant in Cicero, Illinois. The "Hawthorne effect" is the name given to the 112% increase in output by workers who perceive that they are being studied somehow. …

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…satisfaction directly over to their customers. Although, I have to say that I don't agree that this approach is the best one, because I think that for a company to be successful you don't only look at your workers, but you also have to look at other aspects, which can influence the successiveness of the company. Therefore I think that the human relations approach is not enough and companies should also consider the systems approach.