How hispanics Affect Voting Results.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
George W. Bush: Will Bush Change the Way Latinos Vote in 2004? Running Head: LATINO VOTE George W. Bush: Will Bush Change the Way Latinos Vote in 2004? The Republican party has for years wanted the Latino vote and has done many things that would make average American think the majority of Latinos would lean to the right. From the "celebrating of Cinco de Mayo" (Salinas, 2002) to talks of a mass amnesty granting to illegal Mexicans in …

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…United States Hispanic Leadership Institute. Martin, G. (2002, August 20). New: GOP Poll Shows Latinos Like Bush, Favor Democrats in Congress. Express News Washington Bureau, Retrieved December 20, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Salinas, Maria Elena (2002) Romancing the Hispanic Vote., Retrieved December 22, 2002 from the World Wide Web: Womack, K. (Executive Producer). (2002, November 22) Untitled. Party Line, Benton County Area Public Broadcast.