How has Australia's relation with Asian nations changed?

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Essay Database > History
Australia's relations have changed over the past half century. From The White Australia Policy and the Immigration Restriction act. Some changes include the multiculturalism, changing links with Indonesia, china, and Asia in general. After the WWII Australia's relations with Asia changed rapidly. During the war Japan swept through South-East Asia. The British were defeated in Malaya, Borneo, Singapore and Burma. The French fell in Indochina, the Dutch fell the in the East Indies, and the …

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…was difficult, particularly after 1963 when Indonesia launched their confrontation policy, which was basically to destroy the newly created neighbouring state of Malaysia. Australia supported Malaysia and Indonesian - Australian relations fell to the point where the Australian Embassy in Jakarta was burnt. In 1965 the army seized power in Indonesia and a year later Sukarno was replaced by Prsident Suharto. During The Suharto years, from 1966 to 1998 there was an improvement in relations between Indonesia and Australia.