How five women, Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Iriene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Edwards fight for their rights as citizens.

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At a time were Canada was still developing, there were very few human rights. Even with this being said there were even fewer right for women because they were not considered persons. No one knew this until five women, Nellie McClung, Emily Murphy, Iriene Parlby, Louise McKinney and Henrietta Edwards, brought to the attention of the court that women were being treated unfairly. What could just five women do against the Canadian and British governments …

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…Canada could vote because Canada has many different cultures now. Back around the turn of the century only white British males were allowed to vote and now almost no one would be allowed to vote. To answer the question, what could just five women do against the Canadian and British governments and win the case with sexist judges and juries? What they could do is win as we recognize these people as the famous five.