How far did the agreements made at Geneva mark a success for American foreign policy?

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
How far did the agreements made at Geneva mark a success for American foreign policy? After the French defeat in Dien Bein Phu an international conference was called at Geneva in 1954 in order to devise a settlement, which would end the war, enable the French to leave Indochina whilst at the same time giving them the chance to maintain some influence in Indochina. The Americans aimed on the other hand to contain communism in Southeast …

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…domestic political terms, since there was very little backlash to the accords. Americans were relieved there would not be 'another China' by the fact the US appeared to be working hard to contain communism. However the Geneva Agreements did not produce a solid peace settlement but rather it appeared to have provided the beginnings for future conflicts. On the whole is appears the Geneva agreements marked more of a failure than success for the US.