How far did Mussolini shape Italian society?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
When discussing such a broadly used term as 'society', one has to understand which areas are to be discussed and assessed primarily. Society determines several aspects of people's lives, such as moral values, culture, education, religion, gender roles, classes and possibly the political regimes. Before Mussolini's final step in consolidating his power in 1928, Italian society was shaped by the liberal regime which prevailed in Italy. Concerning religion, the liberals who at first opposed the Catholic …

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…extreme traditionalist approach, the political regime failed to emaciate the Church just like the liberals, even though the left and right extremes were wiped out. Concerning culture, it again was altered to simply suit propagandist purposes and the main question is how far this propaganda actually affected the society. Whereas one can claim that they were blinded by Il Duce's charisma, it's just as likely that nothing actually changes in the people's own individual ideologies.