How does the tension between traditional and modern views of the world play itself out in Achebe's and Desai's novels?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In both Achebe's and Desai's novels, tension and conflict between the new and the old, traditional and modern are the strong undercurrents that move the story and the reader into an unconscious emotional uneasiness. In both novels, the backdrop and the story are engrossed in a struggle between two worlds, the new and the old fighting out its battles in the characters portrayed within. Achebe makes his stand in eastern Nigeria while Desai illustrates her …

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…In both of these novels the main characters have to be strong to deal with the tides between tradition and modern culture. Their lives are not easy, but while reading about them, maybe we can make it easier for others to live in our world and understand those who do not wish to make the journey of 'progress'. Failing that, maybe we can at least understand our own journey through this jumble we call life.