How does the director of "Shrek" convey morals to the audience?

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Essay Database > Literature
The composer of "Shrek" has encouraged many morals such as 'Don't judge a book by its cover', 'Good always wins over the evil' and "No good deed always goes unrewarded'. The composer of Shrek uses film techniques to convey these morals. Film techniques such as lighting, music, camera angles, setting and costumes. One of the most important morals the composer of Shrek encourages is 'Don't judge a book by its cover'. This means people cannot …

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…the end he did not gain anything but instead he was eaten by a dragon. Most of the camera angles shot at him were either a close up shot to show his anger or an up angle shot to show power. In conclusion, the film Shrek has many important morals that encourage its audience to understand and appreciate. They are shown effectively by using film techniques such as lighting, music, camera angles, settings and costumes.