How does charles dickens portray the cratchit family in '' A Christmas Carol''

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
How does Dickens portray the Cratchit family? What part does this family play in Dickens's intentions for this novel? <Tab/>In Victorian times there was a big gap between middle and lower working class. The working day was 12-hours long, but during the winter the days were shorter because if the shorter daylight hours. They were disciplined a lot because if they were late for work then the gates would already …

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…because they were underpaid, especially if they had a big family or a lot of children. I feel sorry for the Cratchit family because they are nice people that didn't really deserve to live the life they did. I think after people have read this book they would be more willing and likely to give to charity because maybe before they had read it they wouldn't have realised how bad some people lived their lives.