How does an automobile engine

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Almost everything that makes an automobile work is under the hood of the car. Every time someone turns the ignition in their car, they start a chain of reactions that they may not be aware of. There are many processes involved in making an engine work. Air enters the engine through the air cleaner and proceeds to the throttle plate. You control the amount of air that passes through the throttle plate and into the …

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…the engine did not have a method for cooling itself, it would quickly self-destruct. Major engine parts can warp causing oil and water leaks and the oil will boil and become useless. While some engines are air-cooled, the vast majority of engines are liquid cooled. The water pump circulates coolant throughout the engine, hitting the hot areas around the cylinders and heads and then sends the hot coolant to the radiator to be cooled off.