How does Television become a 'household' name?

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
How does Television become a 'household' name? Though much of the decade was spent deciding what was 'un-American,' the 1950's became somewhat of a reference point for what is 'American' in our culture. The values and goals that were set then are some of which are still among us and still strived for today. Everything about the 50's is perceived as "golden", though under the gilded layer of gold lay a deposit of paranoia …

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…worse. Many changes would take place in the late 50's, and as more and more Americans began to view television programs as reference groups, T.V. would help usher in those changes. Shows like "I Love Lucy" would star the first woman in a lead role, show the first pregnant woman on television and be centered around a inter-racial couple. These changes were often met with little aggression as television eased the American public forward.