How does Okara in "Piano and Drums" respond to the two types of different music and instruments?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
In the poem "Piano and Drums" the narrator: Gabriel Okara, responds to the two types of music and instrument; Piano and drums differently. His response to the drums is that of excitement and youthfulness, however, his response to the piano is of unfamiliarity. Okara shows his two different attitudes through his choice of diction, rhythm, metaphors and symbolism. The choice of diction used to describe the drums and piano creates a strong emphasis on the …

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…western civilization in even the most remote places of Africa gives him no choice but to live in the western world where he feels foreign and out of place. Okara's response to the two types of music is different and contrasting. His use of words, metaphors and symbolism, and rhythm not only shows how different his views are on both types of music but it also shows how his feelings are split between the two.