How does F. Scott Fitzgerald use symbolism in the novel 'The Great Gatsby.'

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F. Scott Fitzgerald uses much symbolism in his literature, here in the novel The Great Gatsby. He uses the image of Doctor T. J. Eckelburg's eyes to symbolize a godlike being. Fitzgerald uses the symbol of the two women in yellow at Gatsby's party to represent the values of the 1920's. The food provided at Gatsby's party symbolically represents the members of 1920's society. F. Scott Fitzgerald uses Symbolism in the novel The Great Gatsby …

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…of symbolism to describe the costumed characters of the 20's the reader can learn to constantly, and consistently examine the people that they surround themselves with. The novel also teaches the lesson of being true to one's self, since true closure may only come once honesty is achieved. Fitzgerald is not only a consequential author but an effective moral adviser as well. Words: 1327. Bibliography: Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Macmillan Publishing Company. New York. 1992.