How does Dickens in his portrayal of Miss Havisham explore the theme of isolation?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812, which is in the Victorian time. At that time there was a large divide between the rich and the poor, the working conditions for the poor were insane; poor people worked very long hours in dangerous factories and don't get paid alot of money. The few wealthy people however, lived in luxury. Those without money were severely repressed and prevented from improving and bettering their dangerous lives. Women …

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…could isolate her, which is not a option for the poor people because they could not afford to got into isolation. She was probably spoilt and proud due to her background and therefore was more reluctant to carry on with life, here Dickens could be criticizing the rich and their attitude. Miss Havisham represents the rich class, because Dickens is showing she could use her status and he money to lock herself away from society.